Making this world a better place
Prime Aviation, along with ensuring high standards of service and maintenance, pays special attention to the social component of society, following the principles of corporate social responsibility. The Company provides a decent level of remuneration, stability and observance of the rights of employees, providing an opportunity for their comprehensive development, creates the most comfortable working conditions, and provides a set of social guarantees and compensations.
Improving the social component of society, including the creation of new jobs, the implementation of social programs, sponsorship and charity, are one of the most important factors for the sustainable long-term development of society.

In today’s world the solution of significant social problems is achieved by initiation and development of social projects. Prime Aviation has taken part in several events and we hope that this will have an impact on the sustainable development of our society.
Social Activities
Prime Aviation has funded two medical operations to kids with cerebral-spinal paralysis in Almaty in December 2019.
Italian doctor was invited for both operations and he shared his knowledge and expertise with Kazakh medical personnel.
Both operations were successful and this event was supported by Aruzhan Sain, the Kazakh Ombudsman for Children’s rights.
On the 24th of December 2019 members of Prime Aviation team have attended the meeting with students of Civil Aviation Academy. The main subject of the presentation was the future of Aviation in Kazakhstan.
Listeners of the Academy had the chance to know more about aviation industry from real professionals. Our president and one of the leading engineers have shared their precious experience and wisdom with fresh graduates.
We believe that such events should motivate young generation to start and progress their careers in aviation.
In September 2020, our company invested in the repair and reconstruction of the playground through the ‘Teen Challenge Kazakhstan, a Home for Abused Women and Their Children’ Charitable Foundation.
As part of this project, the children received a new playground with a reconstructed floor covering as well as new equipment and playing accessories.
We believe that supporting such a vulnerable group of people will create a better society and future in Kazakhstan.
In December 2022, a training was held at the Prime Aviation office on understanding the concept of Zero-waste.
Employees received first-hand experience from Zero Waste activist and entrepreneur Hello Eco Consulting, which promotes Zero Waste concepts and recycling technology.
During 2022, Prime Aviation supported the Halyk Private Charitable Foundation which turned to us for supporting the following initiatives:
- Development and support of children sport and education;
- Protection of children’s rights under the SOS Children’s Villages Project;
- Medical equipment and drugs;
- Formation of food baskets for low-income families;
- ‘Birgemiz’ crowdfunding platform.
In March-April 2023 Prime Aviation allocated funds for asphalting the adjacent territory of the Shelter House for women in difficult situations, victims of violence and their children. Now their kids can play, run and ride their favorite bikes and scooters on the very territory of the shelter.
Cleaning of the territory is now much easier, and the absence of dirt favorably affects the whole appearance of this Center.
On August 12, 2023, with the support of the General Sponsor JSC Prime Aviation and the Atyrau Sports Development Center, the Swim Run Challenge competitions dedicated to the International Youth Day were held.
More than 100 athletes took part in the competition who had to overcome the following stages: running + swimming + running.
Athletes started in 2 age categories:
- Children (400m run + 100m swim + 400m run) and
- Adults (1.5 km run + 500 m swim + 2.5 km run).
All participants of the competition who reached the finish line received medals, and prize-winners and winners were awarded with memorable gifts and certificates.
The main goal of this event is to develop and popularize a healthy lifestyle, increase sports activity among the inhabitants of the Atyrau region and motivate young athletes.