Prime Aviation provides air transportation services to the oil and gas industry from its base in Atyrau. Services are provided using Dash-8-300 and Dash-8-315 turboprop aircraft. We also provide medical evacuation and airfield management services, including a full range of services in the oil and gas industry.

Drones in Oil and Gas Industry in Kazakhstan
The oil and gas industry is a separate sphere of civilian use of drones. As with many other activities, drones are indispensable for inspecting hard-to-reach places in the petroleum industry.
The use of unmanned aerial vehicles owned by Prime Aviation opens up wide opportunities for oil and gas enterprises: from primary geodetic surveys to monitoring of drilling rigs and trunk pipelines, control of leaks, equipment repair.
Drones allow quickly collecting the necessary information, penetrating into hard-to-reach places where classical technology or a person is unable to get. Equipped with thermal imagers, the drones capture high-quality images in poor visibility conditions. Drones are easily controlled remotely.
Drones have been used as effective tools for collecting topographic data for many years. Devices are equipped with high-quality photo and video equipment, which allow them to obtain complete and high-quality information about the area of interest with further compilation of orthophoto maps, 3D terrain models, etc.
Aviation Services in Oil and Gas Industry in Kazakhstan
Aviation services provided by Prime Aviation cover the basic needs of hydrocarbon production companies and involve a variety of operations as follows:
- transportation during changeover;
- freight transportation, including transportation of external netted loads;
- VIP transportation;
- assembly and construction;
- search and rescue;
- emergency, fire-prevention;
- sanitary and evacuation;
- control and protection of pipelines;
- geological exploration work;
- monitoring, weather reconnaissance, control, communications and much more.
Our aircraft used in the oil and gas industry meet all the requirements for reliability, cargo capacity, safety, range and all-weather performance, and can also perform night flights.

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